Well done to Dave lane for winning the Chesil Cod Open at Abbotsbury yesterday. He managed to land 17 Cod for a total weight of 28lb 10oz, he even managed a treble shot of Cod at one point.

 I managed to get out twice over the weekend. I was quite excited that I managed to get onto the beach almost as soon as the winds dropped on Saturday. Despite having a fantastic sunset there was too much weed in the water to be able to fish.


Despite blanking on Saturday I was out again with my mate Paul Black on Sunday. I arrived about an hour after him, and in that time he had already had 5 Codling up to 3lb. All of them came to Peeler Crab. That seemed to be the story for the day down at the Portland end of the beach for us. We had a few on Lugworm, but the crab far out fished every other bait. The same was not repeated everywhere, as a lot of anglers caught on worm.

Cod Sunnday-3

I managed to find quite a few Bass, unfortunately, most of them were small. As the water started to clear and settle the Whiting moved in with it becoming almost impossible to get through them. One or two of them were of a lovely size, as can be seen in Paul’s picture.

Cod Sunnday-2

The outlook for the rest of the week looks promising, as we are going to have days of windy weather, then days of low winds, which should create similar conditions to Sunday’s. The downside is that the Bream may well decide to move off, especially as we have seen a sudden drop in the water temperature.


If all goes well with some last minute tweaks today, we will be in a position to announce some exciting changes that will take place tomorrow. Make sure you come back and see what we are up to.

Sea Conditions:

Water temperature 13.7 °c.

Chesil Beach: 2m waves and coloured water.

Portland:  2m waves, with coloured water.

Portland Harbour: wavelets with lightly coloured water

Weymouth Bay: Wavelets with slightly coloured water

Chesil Beach forecast: Cod and Whiting should be in abundance this week if the conditions allow you to fish. Tuesday looks like the worst day for wind, but after that the fish should be back in range.

Portland: With very rough conditions until Sunday the best hope you have of getting some fish from the Island is to fish the higher ledges such as Chine.  You will have the chance of Wrasse, Pollock and Bass, ass well as Bull Huss from there. It is not a mark for the faint hearted or light fishing. With ledges well above the water you need heavy gear. This is one of the marks we will be featuring in the next month. 

Portland Harbour: A good choice to escape from the wind, and one mark that I have fished with lures this week. There are fish around that are happy to have a go at the ures, but water clarity is a must. It is lightly coloured at the moment, but the colour drops from it very quickly as the wind dies down. Top lures are surface lures for me at the moment. 

Weymouth Bay: This is always a favourite when the wind is strong from the SW. The pier as usual holds loads of species. Expect Garfish, Pout Pollock and Wrasse. 

Preston should produce some nice Flounder and Dabs, as well as Bass.

Poole: Flounder fishing in Poole harbour is starting to kick off with plenty of fish around the 1lb. mark. There is always lots of school Bass to keep you busy whilst you target the Flounders. We will be reporting a lot more from the Poole area, as a new member will be joining the Fishing Tails team. More will be revealed over the next week.

Guiding: I still have a few slots left between now and the end of the year, so if you are interested in lure or bait fishing over the next two most productive months of the year then drop me an email to [email protected]

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