What happened to Monday’s fishing forecast? I know from my stats that Monday is by far the busiest day for traffic on the website, as many of you log on to see what has been caught over the weekend. Normally I don’t miss a Monday, but yesterday wad a bit of a tale.
It started of by me being rudely woken up by my wife at 7.30 (well it is the last few days of the kids holidays) telling me that my phone had rag three times in the past 3 minutes and the caller was someone called Paul Whittal.  My first thought was Paul, the skipper of Offshore Rebel was having some electrical problems on the boat that he wanted me to sort out. I groped for my coffee and then my glasses to see what the text was that he had sent me when he called again. “Where are you”? Asked Paul. “In bed” was my reply. “So are you not fishing today then” says Paul. It was then that it dawned on me that I had totally messed up. “It’s not my Blonde Ray trip today, is it Paul”? “Yes you idiot, now are you coming or not?” Stumbling out of bed, I asked him if he could hang on or 20’ish minutes till i got my self sorted out and down to the boat. I wont give you his exact reply, but he agreed to wait.
I arrived at the boat at the new departure time, and was surprisingly only given a short ribbing by the other 6 guys waiting to go (sorry guys). I had booked the trip over a year ago as it is one of my favourite boat trips. As Paul is such a great skipper it can be a bit difficult to get a booking with him. I am glad we managed to get out as it was a great trip with some lovely Blonde Ray, Conger and Tope landed.
I managed a rare trip out on my  kayak at the weekend. I fished Ringstead Bay and had great couple of hours using surface lures to catch Bass and Mackerel, and subsurface lures for Pollock. As I was finishing I spotted a couple of lure fishermen catch a couple of Bass from the shore.

Sea Conditions: 

Water temperature 17.4*c.

Chesil Beach: Calm, the water is clear

Portland: Calm with clear water

Portland Harbour: Calm and clear

Weymouth Bay:  Calm with clear water

Chesil Beach forecast: The tides are picking up again and so should the fishing. Plenty of Mackerel and Garfish all along the beach. Reports from the Portland end of Chesil, suggest that Bream and Gurnard fishing should be good. A few Rays should be around Abbotsbury and West Bexington.  Conditions are almost perfect for Sole and Plaice.

Portland: Dusk this evening could be very good for Pollock and Bass on lures. During the day you should see plenty of Wrasse, Garfish and Pollock on float gear. 

Portland Harbour: A few Gilthead Bream were caught in the harbour last week. Hopefully they will still be around. Most of them have come from the area along the Rodwell trail, especially near the Welworthy club. Sandsfoot is producing Mullet and Flounder, but not many Bass. You can also pick up small Wrasse and Pollock from the reefs around there.

Weymouth Bay: There are lots of small fish coming from the piers, with the odd decent fish amongst them. The harbour is a great place to target Mullet. 

Preston Beach has been good for a few Rays and some Gurnard.

Guiding & Lessons: Despite September and October being the best months for lure fishing for Bass, I still have quite a few days left.  Have a look on the guiding link at the top of the page or drop me an email for more details to [email protected]

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