I would love to say that fishing this weekend is going to be brilliant, but I really don’t believe that it will be. We have very similar conditions on Saturday and Sunday, to those we experienced mid week. On Saturday we will see a stiff Westerly wind with rain that will drop off on Sunday. Just like on Wednesday the wind will be strong enough to stir up a bit of surf and put some colour into the water, especially the shallower beaches like West Bexington and Cogden, but it is not strong enough to get the sea really rough for the Cod to move in.

The lightly coloured water is not good for Plaice fishing, but it will be good for some Bass. I predicted on Monday, that Bass would be the main species during the day and they were. I guided on Wednesday and we had most of the beach to ourselves and the only fish we seen were Bass. I know a few Codling turned up after dark, but it was mostly Dogfish.

Bass Avacet

On a more positive note, the water will clear quickly and Sunday should be good for some plaice and if you are lucky a Sole or two. Paul Cross fished at Abbotsbury yesterday and managed to find some lovely Plaice and a couple of Sole. He was using Lugworm tipped with Ragworm and casting at distance.

Plaice Paul Cross


Sea Conditions: Water temperature 14°c

Chesil Beach: Slight chop with clear water

Portland: Small swell with clear water.

Portland Harbour: Calm with clear water

Weymouth Bay:Calm with clear water

Chesil Beach forecast: I am heading out this morning in search of some Plaice at the Western end of Chesil. They seem to be around in far greater numbers than normal, but they will be moving off soon. If I am lucky I might pick up a stray Cod or Bass, but I expect to spend most of my time catching Garfish, whilst I wait for a bite.

Mackerel are still around, but they are becoming scarcer by the day. Gurnard and Bream are still showing, with Ferrybridge the best mark for them.

Night fishing will produce Whiting and the usual Pout and Dogfish.

Portland: With some rough conditions expected on Saturday, it is well worth having a go for a Bass from the rocks. However you will need to be very careful and keep well away from the water, as the swell will be around 2m.

If you are looking to get out of the wind and try for a variety of species, then Church ope Cove is a good option. Wrasse, Pollock, Garfish, Bass and even Plaice and Sole are all possible. It is a mixed ground mark, with patches of sand and rocks, so expect tackle losses.

Portland Harbour: I would love to say that the harbour was full of Bass, but it’s not. There are a few Bass around and most of them are small. However the Flounder fishing is good.

Weymouth Bay: The bay is another mark that will be good to fish on Saturday, as it will be sheltered. Plenty of species can be found from both Piers and the Squid should be in now.

Preston will produce the odd small Bass and plenty of opportunity to catch Flounder and Dabs. Night tides will be good for Whiting.


Due to a large number of requests I have freed up a number of additional dates for shore based guiding in the coming 3 months. August to November are by far the best months for fishing, and are normally my busiest times. I will be offering lure and bait fishing for a whole range of species including Bass, Pollock, Rays, Bream, Trigger Fish and Codling.

This year we will be offering boat guiding sessions from your own boat, from Weymouth and Portland and shore guiding in the Poole and Purbeck area. If you want more details then drop me an email to [email protected]

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