This period of lockdown has given me plenty of time to think about the future of Fishing Tails, both as a business and as a website. I started the site as a blog way back in February 2012, as a way of giving people regular reports on catches and conditions on Chesil Beach. I hope you will agree with me that the site has changed for the better so much since the early days, with several new looks and lots more information, not just for Chesil, but other areas of the country as well.

After several years of infrequent posting and almost giving up the website I have decided to throw as much of my time into it as possible. I want to take it to the next level and I need your help to do that. I want you to have your say on what you want to see on the site in the future. I have the following ideas and I hope you will like them:
* Continue with the Chesil Beach report, but extend it to other areas
* More tackle reviews
* Easy accessible links to tackle that I use and know works
* Lots more rigs and how to make them and when and where to use them
* Fishing marks from around the country, giving in depth detail on the best methods and times for different species
* More videos
* Promoting affordable fishing destinations around the world. This is an area I have been working on in the background for a number of years. I am well aware that most anglers can’t afford the thousands of pounds to take trips with the likes of Sportsquest and Aardvark McCleod, so I have been working with some of the less well know companies and guides around the world to bring exotic fishing holidays, to those of us that are not high earners.

Those are my ideas but I really want you to email me or leave comments, so I know what you as a reader wants, or doesn’t want to see. As you can tell this is going to be a lot of effort on my part, but I am hoping to have a lot more guest writers as well and if anyone wants to contribute and help grow the site then please contact me [email protected]
To do all this is going to have a cost implication and this is where you come in. I am not asking for money, but what I would ask is that if you like a post or article then please use social media to share. The more readers we have the more chance we have of attracting advertisers to help fund the site and for us to do more for you. Links such as those from Amazon supply us with a very small percentage commission from any purchases you make on Amazon. So if you are thinking of buying something on Amazon then please go through one of the links on our page and we get a percentage of anything that you buy from Amazon in the next 24 hours. You do not have to purchase the item on the link, just access Amazon through that, even links like the unlimited music one on the side bar, or this example below of a handy line spooler.

we have missed you!
best wishes
Thanks Johnny.
Invaluable for all serious fishermen and women. Glad your back.
Its been a long time but always missed your reports and updates. Good luck with the new venture and hope you get plenty of sponsors.
Great that your back.
Thank you ? looking forward to to it , be safe
Welcome back online Sean, your reports have been well missed. Hope to see you again down Weymouth way when we are no longer under house arrest.
Looking forward to the changes, I really enjoyed the fishing reports especially when I am working away from home.
Really looking forward to destinations around the world.
Hi Sean
Pleased you’ve decided to press ahead / expand your coverage to include the items you mention. Could you also consider occasional articles on fly fishing for bass, mullet, mackerel around the south and west coasts particularly, from shore and boat.
All power to your casting arm!
Hi John.
I have really gotten into the fly fishing for species other than your normal trout and Salmon. I really love it, so expect more on those in the future.
Its been a long time i have missed the chesil reports, nice to hear you are coming back will look forward to new items.
It would. Be great if you continue the reports. Happy to support how I can.
Hi Sean
Great to hear your plans. Theo Al fishing reports were the most important aspect for me, as fairly new to sea fishing – to know what was out there, when and where and also some guidance about how to catch was invaluable , and really made me get involved . Since you ceased the reports I must admit my enthusiasm has decreased as I lost a valuable source of information. So look forward to your new venture but please still keep us informed about chesil and Portland fishing – thanks ed
Hi Sean, Great to have you back, I have missed reading the fishing reports and greatly appreciate the effort which goes in from yourself and the guest writers etc. I think it would be great to have more tackle reviews and an insight into the rigs that you feel fish best for different species. Also the idea of having news from other fishing marks around the UK would be great as well, Chesil will always be a favourite fishing destination for me but being over two hours drive away it would be good to get an idea for Portsmouth and Gosport area as these are closer to me. I have bought several bits and pieces of fishing gear from Amazon over the past few years and have absolutely no problem with going through links from fishing tails if that is going to help keep it going, best regards.
Really like your plans for the website, Sean. Maybe the videos could include some tips on techniques, e.g. casting, rigging etc.
Will you be guiding again when we get out of this situation?
Good luck!
I plan to do a lot more videos. Not sure about the guiding yet.
great to see you back sean.
you’ve been much missed.
It seems obvious to me that most people who fish chesil want to catch target the 3 main species, cod, bass, plaice. These species are what everyone talks about. What would be most usefull is to go into detail exactly how to tie a rig for each species that works on chesil, preferably with a picture of each rig and its components used.
Although I’m not local to any coastline, I often use the site to research my prospects for future trips, especially to Dorsert.