Not a nice day out there, but I have been talking to a few hardy souls that are braving it out down on Preston Beach. I had a quick look down there earlier to see if the water was clear enough to have a go with lures. It is still coloured as it most of the water all around the area. Chesil is currently unfishable.

Water Temperature: 16.2*c             Weymouth High Tide: 1.52pm, 1.61m

Wind: NW 35mph gusting to 44mph

Sea Conditions:

Chesil Beach: Very rough. Waves exceeding 3m Water is coloured.

Portland: Rough around the Bill and on the West side. Waves in excess of 3m. The East side is sheltered with a swell around 1.5m

Portland Harbour: Small waves with slightly coloured water.

Weymouth Bay: Fairly calm but the water is coloured.

Chesil Beach forecast: Forget it for today. Could be interesting tomorrow with the water being coloured it might produce a Bass when the wind drops a bit. You never know you might be able to pick up an early Cod.

Portland: Dirty water often produces Bull Huss. Church Ope Cove will be sheltered and there is always a chance of a Bass and Pollock. I have often caught Garfish, Scad and Pollock on a strip of float fished Mackerel especially at dusk.

Portland Harbour: Flounder and small Bass are on the cards especially if you have Peeler Crab. If you can’t get crab then the next best option will be Lugworm.

Weymouth Bay: Both piers are a good bet for Pollock, Garfish, Mackerel, Wrasse and even some small Bream.

Boat & Kayak fishing: Not a day for being out on a boat or a Kayak.

I have very limited slots available in September for guiding and one to one sessions., but I still have quite a few for October. Don’t miss out on the best months fishing. These can be tailored to your requirements including mixed days of bait and lure fishing. Drop me an email for more details [email protected]



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