Finally some settled and slightly warmer weather has arrived. It has also brought the Thin Lipped Mullet in to Weymouth harbour. Unfortunately there is still quite a bit of colour in the water of Chesil Beach. This will clear over the next 48 hours and then I am sure we will see quite a few Mackerel being caught. I for one, can’t wait for the first of the mackerel. There is nothing better then putting the first Mackerel of the year on a BBQ at the end of the day.

Despite the coloured water, conditions for Plaice from Abbotsbury, West Bexington and Cogden look pretty good for the next 4 or 5 days. Reports from a couple of regulars that fish Seaton tell me that there are a few Rays showing down that way. There are also reports of a few Bass coming from Kimmeridge, but only on bait. Unfortunately they don’t seem to be interested in taking lures yet. I am sure that will all change in the next couple of weeks.

I have not had any entries yet for the April fish of the month, so come on guys and girls get catching.

Sea Conditions: 

Water temperature 7.5*c.

Chesil Beach: Calm with a 1m swell. The water is coloured.

Portland: A small swell and slightly coloured water.

Portland Harbour: Calm and clear.

Weymouth Bay: Calm with clear water.

Chesil Beach forecast: I am sure that a few people will be out this weekend after some Mackerel, and I am sure if they fish for long enough they will put some feathers right on the nose of some Mackerel and have a bit of success. If the water clears by tomorrow (and it might) then chances will be better. If you fish the Portland end of Chesil you will have a fair chance of getting Wrasse, Pollock and maybe a bonus Bass. Further to the West there are still Rockling and Whiting being caught. Mix this with Dabs and plaice during the day and you could have a good session. Evening sessions will produce the normal Pout and Dogfish, with the chance of a Ray.

Portland: Conditions will be very good for Wrasse from the rock marks. Pollock at dawn and dusk are certainly on the cards. Best method for the Pollock has to be with lures. At this time of year the Wrasse will be easier to catch on Ragworm and crab.

Portland Harbour: Still a bit quite in the harbour, but I will be going down today to have a look for some Mullet around the marina and Castletown.

Weymouth Bay: The Stone Pier is fishing well now. Lots of species and plenty of fish. The majority of them are small, but if you go light and use LRF tactics you can have a lot of fun. Preston is also fishing quite well. There is a fairly good chance of a Ray or Bass from Preston.

Boat & Kayak Fishing: The charter boats all along the coast will be breathing a sigh of relief today, as they can all get out for the first time in ages. The conditions are good enough for small boats and Kayaks to get out as well. I would think that the Shambles Bank will be pretty busy this weekend, with anglers targeting Plaice, Turbot and Brill.

Guiding & Lessons: Normally I would be looking to book guiding sessions for the next month, but with the water being so cold, I am going to limit the guiding to bait fishing for April and I will start the Bass guiding in May. I am still happy to give lessons in both bait and lure fishing during April, but don’t expect to catch too much on lures until nearer the end of the month. I am starting the first of the River Cottage Shoreline course from the 4th of April.  Have a look on the guiding link at the top of the page or drop me an email for more details to [email protected]

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