What a day it was yesterday on the beach. Lots of Bass came out in very similar conditions to today. The best I heard of was a lovely 8lb 4oz Bass from the Portland end of Chesil, it was caught by David Bell. Better tides should mean even better fishing today.

A dream Bass
Wind forecast SW 22mph gusting 30mph later this evening.
Water Temperature: 15.4*c Weymouth High Tide: 5.20pm, 1.94m
Sea Conditions
Chesil Beach: Rough with a long surf line. Water is coloured but not too dirty
Portland Bill: Rough on the West side with a dangerous swell running. East side has a large swell. Water is fairly coloured
Portland Harbour: Wavelets, water is clear except at Ferrybridge on an ebb tide
Weymouth Bay: Wavelets; water is clear
Chesil Beach forecast: The beach is fishable with care. Target species will be Bass and Smoothound with the odd Ray from the Western end. It is highly unlikely that the water will clear enough for any Mackerel fishing. I know of a lot of Bass that have come from the Beach this week and the bream have arrived in reasonable numbers. From the Western end of the beach there a lot of Dogfish around at the moment, which can be a real pain especially if you are using expensive crab baits to target the Smoothounds.
Portland: It is still going to be a struggle to fish most of the marks except Chine and Church Ope Cove. There is a high chance of getting a Bass on a lure from the ledges to the East of the Bill point. If you fancy roughing and are willing to lose some gear then you could try for a Bull Huss from Blacknor Point. Big Mackerel baits or Squid. You could easily end up with a double figure Huss.
Portland Harbour: There has been very few Bass in the harbour this week and with the weather and small tides I cant see that improving this weekend. However the Bream are in the harbour as are many other species including Thornback Ray and Flounder. There are large numbers of Mullet feeding along the rocks in front of the Coastguard helicopter base
Weymouth Bay: Preston Beach is a very good option today of you want to get out of the wind, as is either of Weymouth Piers. Lots of different species have been coming from the Pier this week.
Boat and Kayak fishing: Not sure just how bad it is offshore today, but I don’t think I would fancy bobbing around out there too much. Portland Harbour will be a good safe bet with plenty of different species to be caught. The Harbour entrances are good spots for all manner of fish.