I am sure that you have noticed that the number of reports and articles have gone down a bit in the past couple of months. There are two reasons for that: Firstly myself and especially Adrian have been busy on the new look website, which will include a lot more articles on marks, more video tips and a much more regular fishing reports and forecast. Adrian will be introducing a freshwater lure section, where he will be adding tips and catch reports to. The second reason is I have been working on a project in the background for a number of months, the workload on that has suddenly become hectic as it has all finally come together. I can now reveal that the project is called Wild Bass.


For the rest of the year I will be fishing and filming with the Weymouth and Portland commercial Bass fleet to create a series of programmes based around fishing for Bass. I know to some that read this that commercial fishing is a contentious issue. Some may accuse me of being a hypocrite, especially as I spend a lot of my working time guiding. However one area that I hope to highlight, is that controlled commercial rod and line fishing can offer a truly sustainable option to Bass stocks, as opposed to fishing with nets. I will release a lot more details about the programme in the next few months, and for those that are interested in following it I have created a number of social media pages to help you track what is going on: Facebook ,Twitter and Google+  will provide highlights as they occur, already we have had several exciting incidents all caught on film.


One of the more exciting aspects is the launch of our new website Wild Bass The website will give a lot more details about the programme, the characters and the boats that are taking part in it. Unsurprisingly we will  be focusing on the Bass themselves, including the work being carried out by different organisations,to try and improve their numbers. It won’t only be Bass we are targeting, the new website will feature lots of articles on all forms of boat fishing.

So for those that are still reading this and not thinking of ways to burn me as a witch, how will this effect the future of Fishing Tails. As far as the fishing forecast is concerned it should have no negative effect, if anything I will be even closer to a lot of the action, so reports could be even more frequent. As most of the Bass fishing and filming will be done during the spring tide times, I will have time during the neap tides to write more articles and create more videos. The main change will be my availability for guiding, which will become very limited. I will maintain a few days a month, but all those days will be mid week.